Not even halfway through reading This is America!'s blog about abolishing the death penalty, I could already tell I was veering in the same direction as the blogger. The death penalty not only seems unjust and puts innocent people to death but also appears to let someone who should be paying for the crime walk away without suffering.
What I mean by suffering is whatever crime they committed to be sentenced to something as death, why not utilize their lifetime in prison and force them to give back to the community? Maybe even the family affected by their actions? It seems unfair to the affected party to put a person (who very well knows they are going to spend their remaining time in prison) to death. They took something away from the justice system and they need to give back to it the right way.
As for the topic of being innocent until proven guilty, I feel that rule of thumb has been a lost cause for ages. Is there even justice anymore at all? We have made so many mistakes and sentenced so many innocent people until it has become too far gone to where we have thrown out the rules and are just in a rush to point the finger as to ease the public eye temporarily. I agree that we should give up the death penalty, but without the proper tools to carry that law out and making sure people do not decide to take advantage of removing it, we have years ahead of us full of an error-filled judicial system.